NEXT FUNDING CYCLE, JULY 1, 2026 - JUNE 30, 2027

November 3, 2025

January 31, 2026

Successful AOS grant applicants will be notified of grant status
for funding period July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2026 by June 1 

The American Otological Society is committed to the non-promotional advancement of knowledge and science and to a free exchange of medical education in otology and neurotology. The American Otological Society, through its Research Foundation, is offering Research Grant Awards, an Award for a Clinical Trial, full-time Research Training Fellowships, exclusive medical student grants, and a Clinician-Scientist Award. All of the AOS grant awards may involve research on any topic related to ear disorders. The research need not be directly on an otological disease but may explore normal functions of the cochlea, labyrinth or central auditory or vestibular systems. However, the applicant must describe how the proposed research will benefit our understanding, diagnosis or treatment of otological disorders. Research supported by all of the grant mechanisms can relate to any aspects of the ear, hearing and balance disorders.  We welcome applications that address quality and safety of care as well as to improve education and training in otology. 

The AOS is pleased to offer FIVE grant mechanisms for your consideration. Please review the following table and apply to the mechanisms that best fits your situation. DETAILS for all mechanisms are included in the grant submission instructions, (UPDATED AUG 2024)


Maximum Requested Budget


Targeted applicants

Research Grant

$55K for one year ($50K direct costs, $5K indirect costs)

No. Re-applications will be reviewed as a new application.

Faculty, either MD and/or PhD - Those WITHOUT major funding (NIH, DoD, NSF) encouraged to apply

Fellowship Grant

$44,000 per year–up to $35K stipend–$5K supplies–$4K indirect costs)

No. Re-applications will be reviewed as a new application.

Clinical fellows, residents, post-doctoral fellows (both MD and PhD), and graduate students. 

Clinical Investigations Grant

$66K for one year

($60K direct costs, $6K indirect costs)

There is a possibility for renewal for a second year, but applications will be reviewed competitively as a new application.


Clinician-Scientist Award

Up to $240K over 3 years ($80K per year)–Up to $70K per year for salary–Up to $20K per year for supplies & equipment

A progress report is required for every year of funding, but the grant will typically be renewed unless something untoward happens or the PI gets a K08/K23 Award.

Full-time teaching appointment (MD), typically at a junior level who are aiming to develop a career as a clinician-scientist

Medical student/undergraduate student stipend award

$5K for 3 months (0.25FTE); $20K for 12 months (1.0FTE);

No. Re-applications will be reviewed as a new application.

Full-time medical or undergraduate students. 



If you would like to submit a grant for consideration of funding in the next cycle, 2026-2027, in ONE PDF, include a LETTER OF INTENT and PI BIOSKETCH (NIH template), including details regarding other existing support, and any potential overlap with your mentor(s) must be submitted by November 1st of the year prior to funding.
 The letter of intent must state the desired grant mechanism for the proposal (CSA, Fellowship grant, Clinical Investigation, or Research grant), the Principal Investigator, and Institution(s), a working title, with an abstract and Specific Aims (2 page limit on abstract and aims)Biosketches and a cover letter should accompany the 2 page proposal summary (in addition to the abstract/aims), but it is not included as part of the two page summary. The next funding cycle begins July 1, 2026. Biosketches of all personnel are optional, but will be required if invited to submit a full application.


Budget and Salary support Q&A
Fellowship Grant - up to $35K
Clinician Scientist Award - up to $70K
NO salary support for Research grants or Clinical Investigation grants. 

The letter of intent requirements for the medical student grant is the same as the other grant mechanisms.  The letter of intent (LOI) must state the principal investigator, mentor, the applicants institution(s), a working title, the time period commitment requested for the award ((ie. 12 months (FT) or 3 month (PT)) and the name of AOS member that will serve as sponsor for your application.  Up to two pages may be used to provide this information.  Additionally, the biosketches of the applicant and mentor(s) must be provided with the LOI as one PDF. In the event you receive a request for a full application, your AOS sponsor will need to provide a one paragraph letter of support together with a full application that adheres to the page limits set in the instructions.  No biosketch is needed for the sponsor during the application process.

Complete applications will be invited from selected applicants based on the Research Advisory Board's review of the letters of intent. Applicants will be notified whether they are invited to submit a full application the first week of December. Completed applications must be received by January 31st. 

Invited applicants must submit a full application by January 31st
Please send one pdf (not a portfolio) to:

Andrea Vambutas, MD, Executive Secretary
Research Fund of the American Otological Society, Inc.
AND Kristen Bordignon, AOS Research Fund Administrative Assistant 

Please read instructions thoroughly, there are NO FORMS to fill out and page limits must be adhered to. 

Click here to view "Fast facts and Q&A about AOS Grants"

Click here to open the AOS grant submission instructions (pdf) (UPDATED AUG 2024)

Click here for more information about the AOS Clinician Scientist Award and renewal guidelines


has distributed nearly $8 million to date! 

CONGRATULATIONS to our 2024-25 grant recipients!






Alexander D. Claussen, MD

University of Iowa

Clinician Scientist Award
(Year 2)
Understanding the Clinical Impact and Cellular Mechanisms of Cochlear Neo-Ossification after Cochlear Implantation


Daniel R. Romano, MD Washington University in St. Louis Clinical Investigations Grant Revealing Molecular and Cellular Drivers of Cholesteatoma Pathogenesis in Children Using Single-Cell RNA Sequencing $33,000.00
Renee Banakis Hartl, MD, AuD University of Michigan Research Grant The Impact of Single-Sided Deafness on Behavioral Compensation and Binaural Cues during Complex Localization and Speech-in-Noise Tasks $55,000.00
Philippe Vincent, PhD Johns Hopkins University Research Grant Functional Assessment of Regenerated Synapses Between Inner Ear Hair Cells and Sensory Neuron Progenitors $55,000.00
Aray Adylkhan University of Virginia Fellowship Grant The Role of Post-Translational Modifications of PCDH15 in Hair Bundle Morphogenesis and Function $44,000.00
Kevin TA Booth, PhD Indiana University Fellowship Grant Anyway You Splice It: Exonic Splice-Altering Variants and OTOF-Related Hearing Loss $44,000.00
Thibault Peineau, PhD Boston Children's Hospital Fellowship Grant Genetic Models of Synaptopathy Suggest Novel Therapeutic Approaches $44,000.00
Isabel Aristizábal Ramírez University of Kentucky Fellowship Grant Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Activation of Mechano-Electrical Transducer Channels in Mammalian Auditory Hair Cells $44,000.00
David Ahmadian
Between 3rd and 4th year, taking a research year
University of Arizona -Tucson Medical Student Grant  The Effect of Cochlear Implantation (CI) on Depressive Symptoms in Adults $5000.00

Caroline Chu,
MD Candidate, Class of 2025

University of Iowa Medical Student Grant  The Effect of Angiotensin Receptor Blockade using Losartan in Otoprotection Against Noise Induced Hearing Loss $5000.00
Tarika Srinivasan
MD-MMSc Candidate, 2025
Harvard Medical School Medical Student Grant  Expanding Access: Adapting a Novel School Hearing Protocol to Scale Across America $5000.00


2024-25 AOS Research Advisory Board

Andrea Vambutas, MD, Executive Secretary
Daniel J. Tollin, PhD, Trustee
Samuel Gubbels, MD, Trustee
Ronna Hertzano, MD, PhD Trustee
Wade W. Chien, MD, Trustee
Richard K. Gurgel, MD, MSCI, Trustee, Executive Secretary-Elect
Sharon Cushing, MD, MSc, Trustee
Amanda Lauer, PhD, Consultant
Lina A. J. Reiss, PhD, Consultant 
Radha Kalluri, PhD, Consultant

The Research Advisory Board (RAB) is comprised of seven AOS members, each serving a 7-year term and  three consultants, each serving a 5-year term. These individuals are among the most highly respected researchers in our field.  The expertise and dedication of the RAB are critical to the success of the mission of the AOS Research Foundation. 

Information may be obtained from:
Andrea Vambutas, MD, Executive Secretary
Research Fund of the American Otological Society, Inc.
Kristen Bordignon
Executive Administrator
American Otological Society 
Ph: 217-638-0801
Fax: 727-800-9428
E-mail: [email protected]